Ratatouille for Lazy Days


Some days you just need it to be quick in the kitchen. Nothing is easier than a 1 pot meal with some good veggies.

Start with a chopped onion and some crushed garlic in a frying pan. Then add courgette, eggplant, paprika or other veggies you like to add. Fry for a few minutes. Mix your tomatoes with a little water in the blender and add to the mixture of vegetables. Add species to taste (my favorites are salt, pepper and Lebanese seven spices mix). Let boil on low fire for a few minutes. Pour into a bowl, top it off with a coconut peanut crunch for a little bite and enjoy!


Add pine seeds

Add coconut milk instead of water

Add tofu or potatoes

Add spinach or cabbage or carrots

Instead of on the stove, you can put it in the oven and rasp some cheese on top for a crunchy finish.

Cook rice or bulgur on the side to eat with the ratatouille.

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